Friday, June 18, 2010

Hershey visit on 6/18/2010

I had a CT Scan on the 17th and a visit with my oncologist today.
The two lymph nodes near my throat seem to have disappeared.
There is new activity (growth) next to the original mass.
Ii is close to my spine which worries the doctor. She is afraid that if it grows much more it will start to press against my spinal cord and cause back pain.
So, we start chemo next week and every two weeks for four sessions. Then there will be another CT Scan to see what improvement is being made.
One drawback to this schedule is that after each session I have to wear a chemo pump for 46 hours straight. I guess that is better than 24 x 7 indefinitely.
So there was some good news today. The focus has to be on the good.

Thank you for the support and prayers - keep it going.

Love and Peace to ALL

1 comment:

Nancy DelSanto said...

Thanks for the update Dan...I'm sorry that the news was not better. I'll keep you in my prayers for peace and continued healing....

Nancy d.