Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hershey 11/08/10

Had an abbreviated chemo treatment today. Dr. Jiang (Jen) canceled the 5fu drug because it seems to be having adverse prolonged side affects on my condition ( strength, stamina and breathing). She wasn't thrilled that I now weigh in at 166 lbs. If I don't pick up weight, I am not sure I agree with, she is thinking of implanting a stent in my esophagus in hopes I can eat easier. Other than that all seems to be going alright.
THANKS to ALL for prayers and thoughts. THEY DO HELP.



Unknown said...

Well, Danny, you're just gonna have to have an appetite and gain a little bit of weight back. We love you too much to be jealous of your skinnyness (is that a word?). See you soon, bro.

nancy D. said...

Hey Dan - better start eating more of the Irish stew at Coakleys and drinking more beer at ABC! Seriously, hang in there...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

nancy D.

Ronnie Lavanga said...

Danny.... fattening foods non-stop for you .... aren't you lucky! You've come a long way - stay stong:) Love you and see you soon!

Unknown said...

Hi, Danny and Pat (and the whole family).

I had Thanksgiving Dinner with Joan today, and during silent Grace, I brought to mind friends for whom I am so thankful.

You guys and Reggie are at the top of the list.

Love ya,

Bob Kelly