Monday, April 27, 2009


The regimen and dosage and length of time has yet to be determined.

HOWEVER - I am a prime candidate for a clinical trial. Hershey Medical Center (HMC) is permitted to have 20 patients in this trial. Pat and myself (we from here on), met with the Clinical Research Coordinator running this program for HMC. She spent a good hour with us explaining the entire process. There are three regimens in this trial and once you are accepted, a computer will randomly generate which regimen to which you are assigned.

Because each one is lenghty in description, I will fore go delving into them until I hear if I am accepted and which one the computer assigns.

We received an email today from the Clinical Research Coordinator and she sounds positive and will hopefully get back to us today to start lining up the screening tests for the trial.

Keep the prayers coming, they work in many different ways.

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