Tuesday, April 28, 2009

May 11, 2009 Mediport

I am scheduled to have a Mediport implanted next to my collar bone on May 11th for ease of administering drugs and taking blood samples. Below is a description.

A Mediport® is a device that is implanted under your skin so that medications may be delivered directly into your blood system. The Mediport® is designed for safe, long-term use in your body. It can stay in place permanently if necessary. When not in use, the only care a port requires is flushing once a month with a solution of heparin and saline to prevent blood clots from forming inside the line and causing a blockage.

The round part of the device that can be felt under the skin is called the reservoir. When the port is “accessed”, a special needle is placed through the skin into the reservoir through a plastic membrane called a septum. The raised “septum” is made from a self-sealing rubber, which allows repeated injections into the port so that you do not need to get injected directly into the skin or have an IV (intravenous) line inserted each time you require medication.

You may also hear the terms Port-A-Cath®, Infuse-A-Port®, or other similar terms, these are other products that serve similar functions.

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