Monday, April 27, 2009

Things are Progressing

Hi Mr. Lyons--Here is your schedule for Tues, 5/5/09.
Nothing to eat or drink starting at 5:15 am (In preparation for CT scan)
9:00 am--Bloodwork; Outpatient Lab, East Campus Location, 30 Hope Drive, Hershey (Map attached--just down the road from the Med Center less than 1/4 mile)
10:00 am--CT; East Campus Location--I will meet you in the CT waiting area to sign clinical trial consent prior to CT
Grab a Snack (There is a Cafe located on 2nd Floor of the University Physician Center.)
12:30 pm--Ste. 400 of University Physician Center--Appt. with Dr. Jiang
1:30 pm--ECHO--1st Floor Main Hospital East Hallway
Please note: Both the labs and the CT are at our East Campus. I've attached a map if you haven't been there yet.
It's probably best to print this and bring it with you the day of screening. If there are any problems while navigating the system, please call the main hospital 531-8521 and ask them to page Renee Kessler at 1735. All orders are faxed to the various depts.
I'm working on lining up your mediport and chemo start date. It's shaping up as:
5/11--Mediport Placement
5/14--Chemo start date
I'll confirm the above two appts. with you once your eligibility for the trial is verified.

1 comment:

Deb Pierson said...

Boy, Dan, this sounds like a fun day! I will be in prayer for you and Pat as you negotiate the complexity of such a full day. ...deb pierson